October 2007 program schedule for “Come Receive the Light” Orthodox radio network
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL—Schedule of programs for October 2007, available at http://www.receive.org.
10/06/07 Topic: Orthodox Prison Ministry
Paul Hadjistilianosdiscusses what prison inmates want from Orthodox Christians. Prayer is the focus of the programming on The ARK and The Rudder, with Metropolitan Kallistos Ware speaking on Special Moments in Orthodoxy on “Be Still and Know I Am God,” and Fr. David Hester appearing on Theologically Thinking to teach us about Bishop Diadochus of Photicus and “Calling on the Lord’s Name in Prayer.” The ARK’s Featured Artist Block features the students of St. Makarios III Seminary in Kenya. Tune in each day to The ARK and The RUDDER for “The Best of Come Receive the Light,” presenting favorite interviews from past episodes of CRTL. During October 8-12 we will play “God’s Gift of Life” (10/08), “Six Months to Live (10/09), “The Glory of the Resurrection” (10/10), “Raising Children” (10/11), and “What Role Does Orthodoxy Have in the Media?” (10/12).
10/12/07 Topic: War and Peace in Orthodoxy
Major John Thomas speaks on Come Receive the Light about war and peace in Orthodoxy. Two popular series continue on The ARK and The RUDDER, where Metropolitan Kallistos Ware presents part two of “Be Still and Know I Am God” on Special Moments in Orthodoxy, and Fr. William Mills continues his book, “Baptize All Nations” on Theologically Thinking. The Featured Artist Block highlights The Strawmen.
Tune in each day to The ARK and The RUDDER for “The Best of Come Receive the Light,” presenting favorite interviews from past episodes of CRTL. During October 15-19 we will play “Saints and Sanctity in the Age of the Simpsons” (10/15), “Orthodox Treasured Tradition” (10/16), “An Effective Prayer Life” (10/17), “Same Sex Attraction” (10/18), and “Fatherhood” (10/19).
10/19/07 Topic: Stem Cell Therapeutic Research
Fr. John Breck addresses the widely debated subject of research into using stem cells for therapeutic purposes. You will not want to miss our programming on The ARK and The RUDDER as Fr. Nektarios Morrow discusses “Finding the Truth” on Special Moments in Orthodoxy, and Fr. Stephen Freeman leads us into a deeper understanding of “Thanksgiving” on Theologically Thinking. The Featured Artist Block is a live concert from Montreal by Fr. Peter Jon Gillquist.
10/26/07 Topic: St. Stephen the Great Charitable Trust
Mark Brewer discusses the mission of the St. Stephen the Great Charitable Trust. The ARK and The RUDDER present powerful Orthodox programming, including Fr. Gordon Walker’s 20-year reflection on the meaning of becoming Orthodox on Special Moments in Orthodoxy, and Fr. Peter-Michael Preble’s thoughts on “The Difficulty of Love” on Theologically Thinking. The ARK’s Featured Artist Block highlights the music of Jimmy Santis.