Orthodox Christian Publications Center Moves to Cleveland
—The Orthodox Christian Publications Center [OCPC], a ministry of the Orthodox Church in America which publishes and distributes numerous books, pamphlets, recordings, and icons, has recently been moved to the Cleveland, OH area.
Among OCPC’s well known publications is the Orthodox Handbook series written by the Very Rev. Thomas Hopko. OCPC also publishes a number of liturgical booklets, Church school resources, and the popular series of icons of the Orthodox saints of North America.
Since its inception, the Very Rev. Paul Kucynda managed OCPC, which had been based in Wayne, NJ. OCPC’s new manager is Mr. Frank Tkach, who has worked closely with Father Kucynda to transfer its inventory to Ohio.
On line orders may still be placed through the OCA web site at OCPC.
The new contact information for OCPC is as follows.
Orthodox Christian Publications Center
Mr. Frank Tkacz, OCPC Manager
4653 Memphis Villas South
Brooklyn, OH 44144
Office: 216-351-1838
Fax: 216-341-1842