Parishes asked to submit updated data for 2010 OCA Sourcebook
In a letter sent to all parishes in early August, the Very Rev. Eric G. Tosi, OCA secretary, requested all parishes to submit updated information for the 2010 Sourcebook.
“The Sourcebook is the single most important source of information for contacting our parishes,” Father Eric said. “It is absolutely critical that this information be accurate and timely.”
Included in the mailing was a set of instructions for updating parish information. Parishes are asked to review current information, update it, and return it to the Chancery office by October 1, 2009.
“We will be also distributing mailing lists to parishes in the near future as we update and revise our master mailing list,” Father Eric said. “It is from this list that we base the mailings for such important items as “The Orthodox Church” magazine. The mailing list has not been updated in some time. Parishes can also update the list periodically by sending any changes to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).”
In related news, if they have not done so already, OCA parishes are also reminded to submit documentation requested earlier this year concerning their 501[C] [3] tax-exempt status.