Preconciliar Commission reviews plans for 16th All-American Council
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SYOSSET, NY [OCA]—His Grace, Bishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West chaired a meeting of the Preconciliar Commission [PCC] at the Orthodox Church in America Chancery here on Friday, November 19, 2010.
The PCC is responsible for organizing the 16th All-American Council, slated to be held in Bellevue, WA, a Seattle suburb, October 31-November 4, 2010. [See background information at]
“The primary item on the PCC’s agenda was the development of a budget for the Council and the determination of an assessment level that takes into consideration the economy and other factors,” said Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary. “Expenses for the 15th All-American Council, held in Pittsburgh in 2008, came within a few thousand dollars of budget, and the PCC is committed to the same for this council.”
Earlier, the OCA’s Metropolitan Council had decided that the All-American Council should be self-funding through the All-American Council assessments.
“Thus, the expense of the PCC is now part of the budget for the Council,” Father Eric added.
Commission members reviewed all aspects of the Council, including contracts, in order to establish a realistic budget that would not significantly increase the Council assessment levels.
“The assessment level will be sent for approval to the Metropolitan Council and Holy Synod, after which a letter will be sent to all parishes to initiate the collection of the assessments early in 2011,” said Father Eric.
“A great majority of the time was spent going line by line through a potential budget with Melanie Ringa, OCA Treasurer,” Father Eric said. “A final budget is being prepared and submitted for approval. Through judicious cost saving—electronic mailing, availability of reports on-line, and other logistical savings realized by using local people and services—it is hoped that additional increases due to the economy will be absorbed.”
In other actions, members of the PCC
- were updated on recent decisions and challenges in the planning process, including the ongoing need to revise the Council agenda to meet the evolving focus of the Holy Synod and the Strategic Plan.
- heard a report by Archpriest Myron D. Manzuk, Council Manager, concerning Council operations and challenges, including room assignments for various gatherings and services.
- reviewed and accepted a series of proposals from Peter Ilchuk, Logistics Manager, concerning AV needs, exhibitors’ space, and shipping.
- heard a report by Archpriest John Pierce, local clergy co-chair, updating PCC members on accomplishments and concerns of the local planning committee.
- were informed that the Dioceses of the West and South plan to hold their assemblies at the council, before the start of the plenary sessions.
- were informed that study materials and resources are in process and will be available in the spring of 2011.
- considered agenda revisions to allow for more breakout sessions and discussions revolving around areas of concern for the Church, especially with regard to issues identified through the Strategic Plan.
- were informed that the All-American Council web site, featuring information on the Council, the region, and related events, is being developed and will be available shortly on the Diocese of the West’s web site.
Bishop Benjamin spoke about the pilgrimage to Sitka, including the possible election, consecration, and installation of a new bishop for the Diocese of Alaska. He also informed the PCC the the Sitka icon will be present at the Council.
Other PCC members attending the meeting included Archpriest Alexander Garklavs, OCA Chancellor; Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk, Priest John Vitko, Prof. David Drillock, Lisa Mikhalevsky, and Valerie Zahirsky. Also attending was Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky.