Resources for Choir Directors to be available on-line in 2002
November 26, 2001
To: The Reverend Clergy and Choir Directors of the Orthodox Church in America
Dear Fathers and Choir Directors:
I would like to officially announce a new development that should be of interest to all OCA choirs and choir directors. As you may be aware, we are elated with the recent improvements in the OCA website which has become an excellent source of information and resources for clergy and laity alike. In January 2002, our website will introduce an additional feature specifically designed for church choirs. Musical settings of troparia and kontakia for all Sundays of the year (2002) will be made available. Especially useful will be the setting of the troparia and kontakia of the saints who are commemorated on a particular Sunday. It will be easy to download the music, which will be in a “pdf file” and require that the user have an Acrobat Reader (which can be easily downloaded free of charge.) This download will be available on the website.
This exciting project is the product of the Liturgical Worship Ministries section of our Pastoral Life Ministries Unit. The coordinators of this project are Walter Obleschuk, Choir Director of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Boston, MA, and Professor Paul Meyendorff, Professor at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY.
It has been decided to offer this valuable service to Orthodox musicians and singers without a fee. Of course, it is strictly limited for liturgical use only. The project, however, will require financial support. We believe that OCA parishes and parish choirs will appreciate the value of this project and offer voluntary assistance. Perhaps your parish or parish choir would be able to donate $100.00 or $200.00 to help insure that the work we have begun will be completed. If there is sufficient support and interest in this project, it will be renewed in 2003. In the course of several years, troparia and kontakia for the feasts and saints of the entire Menaion will be made available. This would be an invaluable resource for years to come.
Hoping for your support for this worthwhile project, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Protopresbyter Robert S. Kondratick
(Checks may be made payable to “The Orthodox Church in America” and sent to: Liturgical Music Project, PO Box 675, Syosset, NY 11791)