Schedule of Programs for February 2003 on Orthodox Radio Network announced
Schedule of Programs for January 2003 on “Come Receive the Light” Orthodox Radio Network
Topic: The Ethics of Human Cloning Part II: Has man played God?
Guests: Rev. Dr. Demetrios Demopulos, Fr. Stanley Harakas, Fr. John Breck
The real face of CLONING: Has man played God? What will the world look like if scientists succeed in their experiments to clone a human?
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CRTL revisits this highly controversial topic of Human Cloning welcoming back Rev. Dr. Demetrios Demopulos, a geneticist and Greek Orthodox priest along with two other guests, Fr. Stanley Harakas and Fr. John Breck, voicing their thoughts and beliefs of this controversial issue at hand today.
CRTL takes technology to great lengths by conducting a dialogue forum among these guests on this weeks program getting their various viewpoints on the Ethics of Human Cloning. Mark your calendars as this program is sure to be very interesting and informative, not to mention controversial.
Topic: The Hidden Key to Harry Potter
Guest: John Granger
What is all the excitement about Harry Potter that has children of all ages mesmerized with the latest Harry Potter book and movie series out by J.K. Rowlings?
Author, John Granger tells us all in his newest book The Hidden Key to Harry Potter: Understanding the Meaning, Genius, and Popularity of Joanne Rowling’s Harry Potter Novels. In The Hidden Key Granger delves into the deeper meanings of the Harry Potter stories and explains that these stories are actually Christian based rather than anti-Christian.
Granger has been lecturing and writing about the Potter phenomenon since 1999. The Hidden Key is “must” reading for Potterites, whatever their religious orientation. Be sure to tune in to this program as it is sure to be very intriguing and enlightening, especially for all those who have been curious about what is all the hype about Harry Potter.
Topic: The First Ecumenical Council
Guest: Fr. John Behr
Fr. John Behr returns as he begins his series on the Seven Ecumenical Councils covering in this program the First Ecumenical Council.
Fr. Behr will explain in great detail the events surrounding this first council held in Nicea, Asia Minor, 325 A.D formulating the First Part of the Creed; defining the divinity of the Son of God.
Be sure to tune in as Fr. Behr provides us with the foundation and knowledge to truly begin to understand the history of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.
Topic: Gender: Men, Women, Sex, Feminism
Guest: Frederica Mathewes-Green
CRTL welcomes author, Frederica Mathewes-Green as she discusses her latest book Gender: Men, Women, Sex, Feminism. This excellent book is first in a four part series, which provides a selection of Frederica’s best writings on contemporary issues relating to Gender, Culture, Ethics, and Faith. Frederica examines modern-day challenges from a perspective of ancient wisdom, as one who seeks to be deeply grounded in the faith of the early Christian Church.
Be sure to tune in as Frederica highlights the key points of this must read book that captures her original and thoughtful insights that are expressed in a style that is fresh, personal, and frequently humorous.
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