SCOBA agency communication heads meet to strengthen cooperation
Communications representatives of several agencies of the Standing Conference of Canonical Bishops in the Americas [SCOBA] met here recently to discuss ways to communicate more effectively concerning the various ministries of SCOBA.
Representatives of International Orthodox Christian Charities [IOCC], The Orthodox Christian Missions Center [OCMC], Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF], Orthodox Christian Network [OCN], and the SCOBA Commission on Technology met at OCN headquarters to meet each other and to discuss the various communications challenges each agency faces.
The meeting was chaired by the Rev. Christopher Metropulos, executive director of OCN.
Some of the topics discussed were how the agencies can cooperate more closely in supporting the work of sister agencies and what each agency has found to be effective ways to share with the Orthodox faithful the ministry of that particular agency. Also discussed were opportunities for cooperation in communications efforts throughout the year.
In light of the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech and how several SCOBA agencies worked together to provide a powerful Orthodox Christian witness during this difficult time, the meeting was meant to lay the ground work for clear lines of communications and techniques that will allow the SCOBA agencies to collaborate more closely in the future in communicating their unique messages to as wide an audience as possible.
For more information about SCOBA and its agencies, visit