Second meeting of Preconciliar Commission
On Monday, December 10, 2007, the Preconciliar Commission for the 15th All-American Council held its second meeting. Further details regarding Council program and content were discussed. A preliminary agenda will be shared with the Holy Synod of Bishops at their meeting later this week for their input and feedback.
A guest participant at this meeting was Mr. Brian Strom of the Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution in Ottawa, Canada. Mr. Strom was invited to attend the meeting by Commission Chair, His Grace Bishop Nikon, on the recommendation of Archpriest John Jillions. Mr. Strom has over 12 years of conflict resolution experience, including with faith-based organizations. He offered suggestions on how Council preparation and sessions could be best structured to create an environment conducive to open communication and reconciliation.
Time was also given to a review of feedback received from the AAC email address .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Feedback submitted to this point has focused on possible resolutions for discussion at the Council and on ideas for Council governance, sessions and structure. The Commission looks forward to reviewing more feedback at subsequent meetings.
Commission members shared an enthusiasm about the outcome of their meeting. They are confident that the 15th All-American Council has the potential to be an exceptional and edifying experience for all involved.