Special Investigating Committee meets
The new Special Investigating Committee (SIC), established after the October 2007 joint session of the Holy Synod and Metropolitan Council, held a preliminary teleconference in early November and commenced with its first meeting in East Norwich, New York, on November 30 and December 1, 2007. Chaired by His Grace, Bishop Benjamin of San Francisco, SIC members include Archpriest John Tkachuk, Archpriest Philip Reese, Dr. Faith Skordinski, and Dr. Dmitri Solodow, with retired police chief (and OCA Subdeacon) Bernard Wilson serving as investigative consultant. The SIC formulated operating procedures, developed a preliminary investigation plan, identified supplemental documents for review, conducted three interviews, and identified over 20 additional persons as potential interviewee subjects. All SIC members share the desire to fulfill their mandate as thoroughly and promptly as possible.