St. Tikhon’s Seminary hosts Vocations Retreat
St. Tikhon’s Seminary will host its annual Vocations Retreat on Friday and Saturday, April 10 to 11, 2009. The encounter, welcoming all individuals interested in visiting the theological school, is designed specifically to help men ascertain their calling to serve the Lord and His Church, especially those contemplating the Holy Priesthood or the Holy Diaconate.
The theme for this year’s event is “Saint Paul: ‘A Model for Priestly Ministry’ — In honor of the 2000th Anniversary of the Apostle’s Birth.” The sessions will deal with the topics of the “call” of St. Paul and of vocations to diaconal and priestly ministry and the “work” of the Apostle and of clergy in the Church today.
Featured speakers will include: His Grace, Bishop Tikhon of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary; Fr. Michael Dahulich, Dean of the theological school; and members of the Seminary faculty and student body. A schedule of events is listed below.
For further information and registration materials, please call the Seminary Office at 570-937-4411
Friday, April 10, 2009
6:00 PM — Registration at the Seminary Main Entrance
9:00 PM — Evening Prayer Service and Sacrament of Holy Confession
Saturday, April 11, 2009
8:00 AM — Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Church
9:30 AM — Breakfast in the Seminary Dining Room
10:00 AM — Tour of Monastery Grounds and the Seminary Campus, Late Registration at Seminary Office
11:30 AM — 1st Talk — The “Call” of Saint Paul and of Vocations to Diaconal and Priestly Ministry
12:30 PM — Lunch in the Seminary Dining Room
1:00 PM — Informal Talks with Members of the Seminary Community, Bookstore
will be open
2:00 PM — 2nd Talk — The “Work” of the Apostle Paul and of Clergy in the Church Today
3:00 PM — Closing Remarks and Meditation
4:00 PM — Vigil Service and Departure