Strategic Plan Working Draft available on OCA web site

The “Working Draft of a Strategic Plan for the Orthodox Church in America,” prepared by the Strategic Planning Committee of the OCA’s Metropolitan Council, is now available on-line in PDF format on the OCA web site at

The committee, which includes clergy and lay members representing a broad geographic spectrum, was commissioned by the Metropolitan Council and the Holy Synod of Bishops to develop a draft Strategic Plan for the OCA. According to the introduction to the Working Draft, “the goal is to provide an initial version of the plan in time for discussion and perhaps adoption at the 16th All-American Council in the fall of 2011.” As such, the draft is designed to elicit feedback from all segments of the Church. Based on the feedback received, the plan will be revised.

“This Strategic Plan is meant to be roadmap for us, as the Church, as we continue to witness to God’s Kingdom in the early parts of the 21st century,” according to Priest John Vitko, a committee member. “In developing this roadmap, it is critically important that we reach out to all the members of the Church for their prayerful input.”

The committee initiated this process by seeking and integrating input from His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah and members of the Holy Synod and the Metropolitan Council.

“The Working Draft, as posted, captures our best understanding to date,” Father John added. “This summer, we will reach out to the broader Church for feedback and input and revise the draft accordingly.”

Subject to the blessing of each diocesan Bishop, interactive dialogues are being conducted at diocesan assemblies to garner input from delegates. The Working Draft also will be made available to other Church institutions and individual parishes and parishioners through a variety of means for their feedback and input.

Those wishing to offer input on the Working Draft are encouraged to send comments and observations to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Hard copies of the draft will be made available for sharing at the parish level, while an upcoming issue of The Orthodox Church magazine will be devoted to the plan.

“By reaching out through all these means, we are hoping to get input from the full breadth of the Church,” Father John added. “Because we anticipate a significant amount of input, it will not be possible to respond to each one individually, but each and every comment or suggestion will be given serious consideration as the committee continues to evolve and revise the plan.”