SVS Education Day to be held Saturday, October 3; Ecology and theology theme
Saint Vladimir’s Seminary will hold its annual
Open House, Orthodox Education Day, Saturday October 3, 2009.
This year’s theme, “God’s Green Earth: Ecology and Theology,”
emphasizes the lives of saints and their relationship to the cosmos.
Present for veneration in the Three Hierarchs Chapel will be the
relics of Saint Herman, the 18th–19th-century missionary monk, who lived
in harmony with the Alaskan natives and their land.
A a variety of exhibits related to the environment will be featured,
while the keynote speaker will be Dr. Vigen
Guroian, an Armenian theologian and professor of Religious Studies in
Orthodox Christianity at the University of Virginia, who will address
the topic “Ecological Musings from the Garden.” Dr. Guroian often
speaks on ecology, theology, and ethics, and he has authored two books
on this subject, “Inheriting Paradise: Meditations on Gardening” and
“The Fragrance of God.”
More information on Saint Vladimir’s Seminary 2009 Orthodox Education
Day may be found here.