US Ambassador to Russian Federation bids farewell to St. Catherine the Great Martyr Church on the occasion of his departure from Diplomatic Service in Russia

On Wednesday, April 2, 2008, His Excellency, William Burns, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Russian Federation, visited the Orthodox Church in America’s Representation Church of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr here to bid farewell to the parish dean, Archimandrite Zacchaeus [Wood].

In receiving the Ambassador, Father Zacchaeus offered sincere thanks for the cooperation shared by the representation parish and the US embassy during Ambassador Burns’ tenure.

Archimandrite Zacchaeus especially noted the support Ambassador Burns personally offered in projects initiated by the parish, including the annual September 11 memorial service celebrated for the innocent victims of terrorism throughout the world, and the prayer service for World AIDS Day held each year on December 1. The ambassador’s regular attendance at the parish’s patronal feastday was also noted.

In prayerful remembrance of the ambassador’s support to Saint Catherine Church, Father Zacchaeus presented him with an icon of Saint Catherine, and offered prayers for success in his new position with the US Department of State.
