Workshops to complement keynote addresses at July 25-28 Parish Ministries Conference
The OCA-sponsored Parish Ministries Conference, being held at Marymount University here July 25-28, 2007, will offer two afternoons of workshops. “Helping Those in Need” is the theme for the Thursday afternoon workshops. His Eminence, Archbishop Seraphim of Ottawa and Canada, and the Very Rev. David Garretson, rector of Saints Peter and Paul Church, South River, NJ, will offer brief introductory remarks, leading into table discussions on how one would choose a specific ministry, the dos and don’ts in developing it, and the importance of evaluating its effectiveness in a timely manner.
This will be followed by two tracks of workshops, one that discusses helping those in need within the parish, the other, helping those in need in the larger community.
Workshops I and II: “Within the Parish”
1. Accommodating parishioners with special needs, including children with invisible disabilities.
2. Visitation ministries.
Workshops I and II: “In the Larger Community”
1. Supporting the Hungry and Homeless
2. Prison Ministry
Friday’s workshops will follow up on the third keynote address, “Expanding Our Parish Life; Including Those Too Often Left Out.” Two workshops will be offered simultaneously in each time period.
Workshop III
1. Singles
2. The Homebound and Caregivers
Workshop IV
1. Young Families
2. Newcomers in the Parish
Thursday evening will be devoted to information and discussion about pan-Orthodox programs of national and international outreach, hearing from a panel of those who have actually taken part in these particular ministries.
Come to Arlington! Share your experiences and thoughts. Register today!
Registration fees are $125.00 before July 1 and $150.00 after that date. Meals are an additional $90.00. Air conditioned campus housing is $40.00 per night single, $32.00 per night double. Registration for those wishing to attend for a single day is $75.00, including meals. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Arlene Kallaur, at 516-922-0550; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); Mrs. Katherine Vitko at 703-892-1412; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); or the Very Rev. Andrew Morbey at 612-788-1947; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).