AAC hotel fully booked, additional venue now available

Due to the unexpected number of registrants for the Orthodox Church in America’s 18th All-American Council here July 20-24, 2015, the Hilton Atlanta Hotel is fully booked and an additional hotel—the Hyatt Regency—is now accepting reservations for council participants, according to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary.
“While a June 26 deadline for room reservations at the Hilton had been announced, the entire block of reserved rooms had already been booked by June 4,” Father Eric said. “Initially, the number of rooms booked was based on attendance at two previous councils in 2011 and 2008. We did not anticipate the surprising, sharp increase in the number of faithful planning to attend this year’s AAC.”
The Hyatt Regency, located at 265 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, is conveniently connected to the Hilton via Skybridge through Peachtree Center Mall.
The Hyatt Regency’s special council rate—$124.00 per standard guestroom, per night, plus applicable taxes and fees—is available from July 17 through 24. Deadline for registration is June 26, 2015.
“Those who have yet to book rooms for the council must make their reservations by June 26 to receive the quoted special rates,” Father Eric added. “All requests received after this date will be subject to availability.”
Reservations may be made on-line or by phone at 1-888-421-1442. Request the “Orthodox Church in America” Group Rate.
In related news, the deadline for submitting ads and greetings for the commemorative book to be published in conjunction with the AAC and the 89th annual Convention of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America is June 15. Detailed information and ad forms may be accessed here.