Archdiocese of Washington, DC launches new web site

The Archdiocese of Washington, DC is pleased to announce its newly redesigned web site, which is now fully responsive to tablets, smartphones, and other handheld devices and can be found at
“The upgrade is part of the Archdiocese’s effort to continually improve its forms and modes of communication, not just with the faithful, but also with all those who reside in its geographical territory,” said Priest John Parsells. “The new web site features, in addition to information on Orthodox Christianity, parish listings, news items, photos, and official documents.”
The site It also boasts an interactive 360 degree virtual tour of Washington’s Saint Nicholas Cathedral, which is the seat of the Archdiocese and the primatial cathedral of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. Also prominently featured is a short film about the missionary work of the Archdiocese of Washington, which originally was presented at the 18th All-American Council in Atlanta, GA as it focused on the theme, “How to Expand the Mission.”
It is the hope of the Archdiocese of Washington that this technological upgrade to the web site will assist in the sharing of the Gospel and the introduction of those outside the Church to the beauty of Holy Orthodoxy.