Calling all youth, adult volunteers to participate in the 18th AAC

For years, the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, in conjunction with the Department of Christian Education, was very successful in reaching hundreds of youthful participants at the OCA’s All-American Councils [AAC]. This year’s AAC, slated to be held in Atlanta, GA July 20-24, 2015, will be no exception.
“At the height of this ministry run by Father Michael Anderson, with the blessing of the Synod of Bishops, there were nearly 400 youth participants,” said Priest Benjamin Tucci, who is overseeing this year’s AAC youth program. “We are bringing back the program in an attempt to reach out to our youth and help them to grow in the Church while they enjoy meeting other Orthodox Christians from across North America.”
The department encourages the OCA’s youth, as well as chaperones, educators, and other volunteers, to register now to participate in and help implement the AAC youth programs. Detailed registration information is available on the AAC web site. A flyer that includes the daily youth schedule of activities and outings also is available.
“You will need to purchase plane tickets and shuttle youth to the hotel,” Father Benjamin added. “You are welcome and encouraged to use the cost efficient Marta train system that will bring you from the airport to the hotel.
“Youth participants, chaperones and adult volunteers will be overwhelmed by the number of clergy and lay people who care about the OCA, learn more about their faith, and meet new people who are Orthodox or interested in Orthodoxy,” Father Benjamin said. “They will also participate in the Divine Liturgy and other services with hundreds of other Orthodox Christians while enjoying a variety of afternoon events and activities.”