DCE offers educational resources for the Nativity Fast

The Nativity Fast begins in just two weeks—and the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Christian Education stands ready to offer a wide variety of on-line study units and resources for Church school and adult classes that are ideal for the season.
- ”The Nativity Season”—a five-session study unit—provides lessons and activities for four different children’s age levels and adults alike. The series, includes a wealth of activities in addition to traditional lessons.
- Designed for pre-teens, “Jesus as Both God and Man” will guide students in discerning how the Gospel of Saint Luke reveals the Incarnate Lord as fully divine and fully human—a central aspect of the Orthodox Christian celebration of the Great Feast of the Nativity.
- Third through fifth graders will benefit greatly from “Preparing for Our Lord’s Birth.” This activity relates the wonderful example of Saint Herman of Alaska, who is commemorated on December 13, to our own spiritual preparation for the Great Feast of the Nativity.
- “Calling All Ancestors of Christ to the Feast of His Nativity” is a rhyming poem written by Father Daniel Kovalak, in the style of “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.” This charming piece reviews the Ancestors of Christ and describes both our liturgical and personal spiritual preparation for the Great Feast of the Nativity.
- “The Star and the Wise Men” is a story written for younger children, describing the events of the Nativity of Christ and the flight into Egypt, which is remembered on December 26.
- “Jesus is Baptized by Saint John” provides younger children with a colorful description of the life and witness of Saint John the Baptist, including the events surrounding Theophany.
- Over a dozen scripts and resources, provide ideas for Nativity Pageants and “yolkas.”
Visit the DCE web site for a wide variety of educational resources, lesson plans, and study units for all ages.