FOCA invites youth to enter “Celebrations of Faith” contest

The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA] recently announced the theme and topic of its annual “Celebrations of Faith” contest. The theme will be “Following in the Footsteps of the North American Saints,” while the topic will be “How I am Continuing Their Mission Today?”
The contest is open to all Orthodox Christian youth who are communicants of a canonical parish or mission. Participants are asked to create and submit creative projects in the areas of literature, musical composition, photography and visual arts. The deadline for submitting entries is May 31, 2015. A detailed list of rules for each category and an entry form may be found on the FOCA web site.
All entries will be displayed at the FOCA National Convention in Atlanta, GA July 18-20, 2015.
Entries should be sent to FOCA Celebration of Faith, c/o Marge Kovach, 8 Ginesi Drive, Clark, NJ 07066; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); 732-815-9765.
In related news, the FOCA’s 2015 scholarship application is now available. Applicants must be FOCA members in good standing since July 1, 2014. Additional qualifications are available in the packet. The postmark deadline for the application is April 30, 2015. Applications received with a postmark after this date will not be considered.
Established in 1927 as the Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs, the FOCA is an official organization of the Church with chapters in many parishes across the US. Its annual convention will be held concurrently with the 18th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, slated to be held in Atlanta, GA July 20-24, 2015.