FOCA Updates: Celebration of Faith, scholarships, and other happenings

The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA] recently issued updates on a number of the organization’s current and forthcoming national activities and events.
- FOCA Scholarship Deadline. FOCA members entering their freshman year of college or who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate program in a two-year, four-year or certificate granting institution or seminary, a graduate program or a military academy are urged to submit applications for the FOCA’s Educational Financial Aid Program. Application deadline is April 30, 2016. Scholarship information and applications are now available on the FOCA web site.
- Celebrations of Faith Art Contest. All Orthodox Christian youth—entrants need not be FOCA members—are invited to participate in this year’s FOCA “Celebrations of Faith” contest. Art projects in the fields of literature, musical composition, photography and the visual arts must be submitted by June 13, 2016. 13, 2016. The theme of this year’s contest is “Come and Abide in Us.” All entries will be displayed at the FOCA’s 90th National Convention in Chicago, IL July 22-25, 2016, at which time awards will be presented for the winning entries. Further details and entry information are now available.
- Photo Contest. FOCA members are encouraged to share their photographic talents by submitting their favorite nature photos reflecting this year’s theme, “God’s Creation: Nature.” Each entrant may submit up to five [5] photos. Judging will take place at the FOCA’s 2016 National Convention. Participants need not be present to win. Awards will depend on the number of entries in each of two age categories—age 18 through 45 and age 46 and over. An entry form is available on the FOCA web site.
- Tournament Updates. May 1 is the registration deadline for the FOCA’s 2016 National Basketball Tournament, to be held in New Brunswick, NJ May 20-22. Details and registration forms are now available. Registration for and information about this year’s National Bowling Tournament, to be held in Cleveland, OH June 3-4, are also available—the deadline is May 4—as are details regarding the August 19-20 National Summer Sports Golf Tournament. See related story.
Ongoing updates on the 90th National Convention also may be found on the FOCA web site.
Established in 1927 as the Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs, the FOCA is an official organization of the Church with junior and senior chapters in many parishes across the US.