Help Alaskan, Mexican delegates attend the 18th All-American Council

In an effort to assist delegates from the Dioceses of Alaska and Mexico to participate in the 18th All-American Council [AAC], a special appeal was initiated recently, with the blessing of the Holy Synod of Bishops and the concurrence of the Metropolitan Council, to raise funds to help offset their expenses.
The AAC will convene in Atlanta, GA July 20-24, 2015.
Air fares and related expenses can be beyond the reach of most parishes in the Dioceses of Alaska and Mexico. Consequently, parishes, organizations and individuals are being asked to continue sending donations to help offset expenses for delegates from those dioceses.
“As we prepare to come together for the All-American Council in Atlanta next July, our thoughts turn to the idea of mission for the Orthodox Church in America,” said His Grace, Bishop David of Anchorage and Alaska. “What is more important to the idea of mission than the presence of delegates from our first missionary diocese in Alaska—and our newest missionary diocese in Mexico—on the North American continent?
“However, this is unlikely to happen without help,” Bishop David continued. “Clergy and faithful in Alaska still live very much as they have lived for the last 200 years, a subsistence lifestyle that involves very little cash and a great deal of hard work to provide food and fuel for their existence. For Alaskan residents, a ticket from the Anchorage hub to Atlanta can be well over $1,000.00, if not substantially more. And Mexico is in a similar position, especially with the peso-to-dollar exchange rate.”
Clergy, faithful and parishes who wish to enable their “northernmost” and “southernmost” brothers and sisters to participate in the 18th All-American Council are invited to send donations to the Orthodox Church in America, PO Box 675, Syosset, NY 11791. Please make checks payable to the “Orthodox Church in America” and include “18th AAC Travel Fund” in the memo line. All donations will be used exclusively for their intended purpose, and accounted for accordingly. Specific questions or suggestions may be directed to Melanie Ringa, OCA Treasurer, at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
“We hope that there will be many faithful willing to take the responsibility of helping to fund delegates from our oldest and youngest dioceses,” Bishop David concluded. “Please think of this opportunity as a way to help the Orthodox Church in America fulfill its mission to be a light to all peoples as we move forward for the glory of God!”