Keeping up with the Council: Audios and videos available

Ancient Faith Media and Orthodox 360 are providing audio and video accounts of the 18th All-American Council in Atlanta, GA July 20-24, 2015.
The following audios are currently accessible.
The Address of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon—His Beatitude challenges the assembly to join him “in this ascetical journey to discern and develop our apostolic calling here in North America, through prayer, repentance, and common work for the glory of God.
Plenary Session One includes the opening Service of Prayer, call to order, Preconciliar Commission welcome by Archbishop Mark, welcoming remarks by the Local Committee, Metropolitan Tikhon’s address, the addresses of Fathers John Jillions and Eric Tosi, and questions and answers.
Plenary Session Two features diocesan reports, the Metropolitan Council report, the proposed revised Statute presentation and the resultant vote, nominations procedures, and resolutions.
Plenary Session Three features diocesan reports, the report of Treasurer Melanie Ringa, the Auditor’s report, the Pension Board report, the Financial Resolution and the resultant vote, and resolutions.
Plenary Session Four includes diocesan reports; reports on the Strategic Plan, External Affairs, Military Chaplaincy, Institutional Chaplaincy, and OCA Departments; and resolutions.
Additional audios from Ancient Faith Radio will be available throughout the remainder of the week.
A variety of AAC-related videos produced by Orthodox 360 are also available:
Special thanks is due John and Bobby Maddex of Ancient Faith Radio and Priest John Parsells of Orthodox 360 for partnering with the Orthodox Church in America in providing up-to-the-minute AAC coverage.