New DCE activity book fourth in series on saints

The fourth in an on-line series of activity books focusing on the lives of the saints is now available from the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Christian Education [DCE] was released during the last week of January 2016.
Titled “Saints and the Animals that Served Them,” the 106-page activity book is available for downloading.
“People are fascinated with, and love, animals,” states Matushka Valerie Zahirsky, DCE Chairperson concerning the natural and profound attraction that the book will have for parents, children and educators alike. “Many of the Saints are known for having befriended God’s creatures, and the stories of their interactions with various animals have always been beloved parts of sacred Tradition, a testimony to God’s presence in creation, and man’s reception of creation as gift.”
Going beyond this initial witness, however, Matushka Valerie stressed that “the activity book offers unique and rich opportunities for discussions about the meaning of miracles, the sacred character of the cosmos, as well as man’s place within the world as priest, prophet and king, manifesting God’s will and love for all that exists.”
“Saints and the Animals that Served Them” is styled similarly to its predecessors—Saints of North America, Saints in Times of Trouble, and Saints Commemorated in the Litiya Prayers. Each activity book contains concise, informative, easy-to-read lives of the saints, detailed maps of their lives and travels, troparia and kontakia, entertaining word games and puzzles, helpful resources for further study, as well as beautiful and original iconographic line drawings of the saints which may be used as handouts, enlarged for classroom use and bulletin boards, or given to children—as well as adults—to color.
Visit the DCE web site to take advantage of the growing number of resources and tools offered for education and enjoyment. In addition, DCE members .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to schedule consultations and related educational events, including a retreat for parishes or groups, titled “Orthodox Surprises,” and “Through the Years: Teaching a Single Concept at Various Age Levels,” a teacher training workshop.