New OCA Statute becomes effective November 1

The new Statute of the Orthodox Church in America, adopted by delegates to the 18th All-American Council in July 2015, becomes effective November 1.
The new Statute is available on the OCA web site in sections, as well as in PDF and Word formats for downloading.
As detailed in the Statute’s Article XVIII, dioceses, parishes, monasteries, institutions, offices, and organizations of the Church shall review their governing documents and administrative practices and conform them to the Statute by December 31, 2017. The Diocesan hierarchs will be working with the parishes, monasteries and institutions under their omophoria in the review process as necessary.
Questions may be addressed to the Commission on Canons and Statute at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
His Grace, Bishop Daniel of Santa Rosa chairs the Commission, while Archpriest Alexander Rentel serves as Secretary. Archpriest John Erickson and Priest Ioan Cozma serve as Commission members.