New Skete announces 50th Anniversary events

The monks and nuns of New Skete Monasteries here are planning a variety of events to mark the community’s 50th Anniversary in 2016.
New Skete—a monastic community of the Orthodox Church in America since 1979—was established in 1966 by a small group of Byzantine Rite Franciscan monks. In 1969, seven Poor Clare nuns from Indiana, inspired by the vision of contemporary monastic life, settled near the monks and joined New Skete. In 1983, a third community was established when eight dedicated parish members expressed their desire to live in accordance with the monastic way of life and formed the Companions of New Skete.
A lenten retreat—“Watch and Pray: Deepening the Experience of Silence”—will open the year-long anniversary on March 19. A series of presentations by Brothers Christopher, Stavros and Marc and Sister Rebecca will include such topics as “A Taste and Experience of Inner Silence,” “Tools for Deepening Watchfulness and Prayer,” and “Quieting the Mind: Dealing with Distractions in Prayer.” Additional information and registration details are available on New Skete’s web site.

“Seeing with New Eyes” will be the theme of two photography retreats led by noted fine arts photographer Gail S. Haile. Two sessions, during which participants will acquire a deeper appreciation for God’s creation, will be held April 17-19 [intermediate to advanced] and April 22-24 [beginners]. Advanced registration is required.
On June 4, a full-day open house and anniversary concert will held in conjunction with the Cambridge Valley Hot Air Balloon Festival. A variety of tours and presentations will be available throughout the day. The benefit concert featuring violinist Kevin Lawrence and cellist Rhonda Rider will begin at 2:00 p.m.

New Skete’s 50th Anniversary Pilgrimage will be held on the Great Feast of the Transfiguration on August 6. Additional information will be forthcoming.
Programs in which New Skete monastics will share their expertise in the field of dog breeding and training also will be held throughout the year.
Visit New Skete’s web site for information on these and additional anniversary happenings.