November OCAreview now available for downloading, local distribution

The November 2015 edition of “OCAreview: The Orthodox Church in America’s Monthly Hard-Copy Digest,” is now available in color or black and white PDF formats for downloading and distribution.
With the blessing of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, the digest made its debut in October. Each monthly edition includes eight to ten stories featured during the preceding month on the OCA web site. Parishes are requested to download and duplicate each monthly edition for distribution, specifically to those who may not have internet access.
In addition, all parishes and clergy will receive PDFs of the digest via e-mail on a monthly basis. Others who wish to receive the monthly e-mail version may subscribe. There is no charge for the digest.
In related news, the OCA’s Department of Christian Education offers a series of over 320 weekly bulletin inserts in PDF format that may be printed and distributed locally. Topics include Scripture commentaries, lives of the saints, book and movie reviews, and themes of general spiritual interest. The series—“Sunday to Sunday with the DCE”—is also available free of charge.