OCA Endorsers attend meetings in US capital

Archpriests Theodore Boback and Steven Voytovich, who represent the Orthodox Church in America for military and institutional endorsements respectively, joined their counterparts from other traditions at meetings in the nation’s capital during the second week of January 2016.
Father Steven attended the Association of Religious Endorsing Body [AREB] meeting, as well as the Commission on Ministry in Specialized Settings [COMISS] Network. The OCA became a COMISS member in 2005. Father Steven has served on the COMISS Executive Committee and is AREB’s past-Chair.
Father Theodore attended the National Conference on Ministry in the Armed Forces [NCMAF] and Endorsers Conference for Veterans Affairs Chaplaincy [ECVAC]. Previously a member of the NCMAF Executive Committee and past Chair of ECVAC, he currently serves on ECVAC’s Executive Committee.
Among those with whom they met were the Rev. David Plummer, former COMISS Chair and Endorser for the Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches, and the Rev. Michael McCoy, past Secretary of COMISS, who currently serves as Director of VA Chaplains at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
“It is a great joy for both of us to represent our OCA at these national round tables to draw from and contribute to best practices in religious endorsement for the benefit of our respective chaplains who serve throughout North America,” said Father Steven. “Please keep all of our military and institutional chaplains in your daily prayers, alongside our parish clergy, as they minister to those in need.”