OCAMPR issues call for conference papers

The Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion [OCAMPR], an international, pan-Orthodox organization endorsed by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA, recently issued a call for 20-minute paper presentations and case studies on topics related to Orthodoxy and healing to be presented at its annual conference at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology here November 3-5, 2016.
The theme of the conference will be “On Pain and Suffering.” Focus will be on caregivers as confessors and healers in treatment and recovery. The annual gathering offers a unique opportunity for Orthodox Christian clergy, theologians, and healthcare professionals to come together for fellowship and to discuss how the Orthodox healing traditions interface with contemporary theories and practices of care.
Proposals traditionally include current work on theories and practices of Orthodox care by clergy, physicians, psychologists and many other types of healthcare practitioners and researchers. Submissions are encouraged on any topic related to OCAMPR’s mission, and particularly topics related to this year’s conference theme. All presentations will be made available on-line and will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings.
Submit all proposals to Dr. Brenda O’Reilly at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) no later than August 1, 2016.
Additional information may be found on the OCAMPR web site.