OCMC Mission Sunday: 2016 mission team members needed

As it anticipates the observance of Mission Sunday on March 13, 2016, the Orthodox Christian Mission Center is making final preparations for its 2016 mission teams—and there are still openings for Orthodox Christians, especially clergy, seeking an opportunity to “share in a journey of faith” by offering their time, talent, and service to mission work.
“This month, evangelism, youth leader training, and teaching teams depart for Kenya, Albania and Mexico,” said Andrew J. Lekos, OCMC’s Mission Teams Director. “Currently we need medical providers (i.e. doctors) for the health care t eams to Uganda and Guatemala, teachers and families for Indonesia and Albania, and youth workers for Kenya and Alaska.
“Orthodox mission teams are a unique way to challenge yourself and engage your community,” Mr. Lekos continued. “They are effective, ‘hands-on’ opportunities to implement Christ’s Great Commission to ‘make disciples.’ This, in turn, increases one’s involvement back home, which motivates and inspires others. As a sending community, you are gifted with heightened outreach awareness.”
Details on volunteering for OCMC’s 2016 mission teams are available on OCMC’s web site.