South Carolina parishes, IOCC partner in flood relief efforts

Archpriest Thomas Moore and the faithful of Holy Apostles Church, Columbia, SC—a community still suffering after weeks of severe flooding—are responding to the wider community by coordinating relief efforts with the region’s other Orthodox parishes to provide housing, supplies and volunteers.
Under the leadership of Dan Christopulos, International Orthodox Christian Charities’ US Country Representative, and in partnership with Mennonite Disaster Services and Nechama Jewish Disaster Services, the parish began with an assessment team of trained IOCC “front liners” which, in addition to Father Thomas, included Priest Angelo Pappas of Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Myrtle Beach, SC and Deacon Constantine Shepherd of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Winston-Salem, NC.
“After two days visiting the major flooding sites, sixteen pallets of relief supplies—including muck out buckets and hygiene and infant kits assembled by IOCC volunteers around the US—were received and delivered,” Father Thomas said. “Holy Apostles became a point of distribution and coordination for Orthodox relief efforts.”
Over the past few days, Maria Shelley, Director of Ministries at Columbia’s Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church has not only coordinated effots, but has led food and clean up-operations for the city’s Orthodox parishes.
“During this time, Holy Apostles hosted an assessment team from Mennonite Disaster Services, and committed to house other organizations over the next several months,” added Father Thomas. “The damage has been devastating, and it will take months—if not years—of effort to help those suffering total loss to rebuild. IOCC and the Orthodox parishes of Columbia are committed to providing physical and spiritual support to them.”
A radio interview with Father Thomas and Mr. Christopulos may be accessed on the Orthodox Christian Network.