St. Tikhon’s Seminary welcomes new Director of Mission Advancement

Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary here recently announced the appointment of Seraphim Danckaert as Director of Mission Advancement. His appointment brings to a close a search initiated in the spring of 2015. [See related story.]
In his new position, Mr. Danckaert will be responsible for annual giving initiatives, major and planned giving programs, capital campaign efforts, administration, and the reporting of department efforts to the seminary’s Dean, Rector and Board of Trustees.
Mr. Danckaert was received into the Orthodox Church at the age of 13, along with his parents and sister, at Saint Nicholas Church (OCA), Fort Wayne, IN. He and his wife Anne have three children, Benjamin, Evelina, and Brigitte, all under the age of five.
After receiving his M.Div. with highest honors from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA in 2007, he spent the next eight years in management and fundraising roles at the Orthodox Christian Network, a national ministry under the auspices of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, and at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he served in the Office of the President and oversaw various initiatives in social media, on-line education, and continuing education for alumni, pastors, and lay leaders.
In addition to his professional activities, Mr. Danckaert studied under Father Andrew Louth for four years as a Ph.D. candidate in theology at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is an active member of the Father Georges Florovsky Orthodox Theological Society of Princeton University, serving as co-chair of four major international conferences for Orthodox theologians, clergy, and lay people interested in the theological vision of the Church Fathers. His publications have appeared in theological journals in the US, England, Greece, and Serbia.
Mr. Danckaert and his family say that they look forward to joining the Saint Tikhon’s community and working closely with its leadership, alumni, and supporters for the advancement of Saint Tikhon’s sacred mission and for the glory of God. He is available by phone at 570-561-1818 and .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).