St. Vladimir’s Seminary to celebrate Orthodox Ed Day this Saturday

The community of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary here has been busy making final preparations for Orthodox Education Day, “East Meets East,” slated to be celebrated on the school’s campus on Saturday, October 3, 2015. The seminary’s annual open house and fall festival will celebrate the relationship between the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox churches and explore the history of their dialogue.
The day will begin and end with liturgical services. A marketplace featuring international cuisine and Orthodox Christian books and gifts will be open all day. Renowned author and scholar, Archpriest Dr. John Anthony McGuckin, will give the keynote address, “Our Common Father: Saint Cyril.” Workshops will address a wide variety of topics, such as Coptic iconography, while seminarians will perform a concert of sacred Orthodox music. A book discussion group will talk about Tito Colliander’s Way of the Ascetics.
The full day’s schedule is as follows.
10:00 am—Malankara Orthodox Matins
11:00 am—Food and Dessert Booths open
11:00 am—Orthodox Bookstore and Marketplace open
Noon—Keynote Address: “Our Common Father: Saint Cyril” by Archpriest Dr. John A. McGuckin
1:00 pm—Coptic Orthodox Raising of Incense
2:00 pm—Sacred Music Concert
3:00 pm—Workshop: “Coptic Iconography, Past and Present: A Journey Through the Sacred Art of the Orthodox Church of Coptic Egypt” by Evelyn Avery Rophael
3:00 pm—Workshop: “Our Prayers in Common” by Mary Farag Gall
3:00 pm—Book Study: Tito Collander’s Way of the Ascetics
4:00 pm—Workshop: “The Recent History and Current Status of the Dialogue Between the Two Families of Orthodox Churches” by Deacon Antonios [Shenoudian]
4:00 pm—Workshop: “The Visual Language of Eastern Orthodox Icons” by Deacon Evan Freeman
5:00 pm—Eastern Orthodox Great Vespers
Admission to the grounds and all events is free. The public is invited—and will be warmly welcomed!