SVS Press debuts recent releases in Atlanta

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Press recently debuted a number of new publications during the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion [AAR] and the Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] here—the world’s largest gathering of scholars interested in the study of religion.
“Exhibiting at the annual meetings is a highlight of the year for us,” commented Deacon Gregory Hatrak, SVS Press Marketing Director. “It gives us the opportunity to speak with top scholars and connect with other theological publishers. And this year we are especially pleased to announce that St. Isaac the Syrian and His Spiritual Legacy, edited by Metropolitan Hilarion, will be formally released at the annual meetings. The volume is a compilation of papers delivered at the inaugural International Patristics Conference in Moscow in 2013.”
“We are looking forward to sharing our recent releases with the annual meetings participants,” added Production Manager Michael Soroka. “Several of our series — including the well-known “Foundations Series” and our new “Scholarly Monographs Series” — have volumes released this year which make significant contributions to the study of Orthodox theology.” One of those new volumes is the much-anticipated work exploring the role of the Virgin Mary in the history of the Church, Gateway of Life: Orthodox Thinking on the Mother of God, by noted scholar Mary B. Cunningham.
The newest series at SVS Press, the “Scholarly Monographs Series,” aims to encourage the study of the Orthodox Church in academia through the publication of in-depth scholarship of the highest academic rigor. The first offering in this new series, edited by Archpriest Dr. John Behr, seminary Dean, is Orthodox and Greek Catholics in Transylvania (1867–1916): Convergences and Divergences. The volume examines the relationship between the two Romanian communities by incorporating a wealth of archival information.
“For the first time, AAR/SBL is opening the exhibit hall to the public free of charge on Tuesday, November 24,” noted Deacon Gregory. “We hope this will give us an opportunity to catch up with many of our friends and seminary alumni living in the Atlanta area who may not be attending the conference.”