Charter of the Sexual Misconduct Policy Advisory Committee

The Sexual Misconduct Policy Advisory Committee (“Committee”) was created on January 28, 2010 to work with and assist the Office of Review of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (“Office”). The Committee was initially known as the “Sexual Misconduct Allegations Review Committee.” The Charter remained in effect during this time. The Charter was again reviewed and approved by the Holy Synod of Bishops at the Fall 2013 meeting.

Authority, responsibility and supervision

The Committee is under the authority of the Holy Synod and is chaired by the Chancellor of the Church, who is the day-to-day supervisor of the Office. The Committee operates in an advisory capacity only and does not assume any responsibility for the handling of sexual misconduct allegations, because that responsibility properly belongs to the Diocesan Hierarchs and the Office, according to the revised Policies, Standards, and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct. Committee members are appointed by the Holy Synod of Bishops.


The complexity of sexual misconduct allegations requires a multi-dimensional awareness of issues and skills in various disciplines, so that allegations of misconduct may be considered from several perspectives—spiritual, ethical, legal, clinical as well as pastoral. Overlapping and interrelation between these disciplines can best be addressed by a team approach, such as via a standing advisory committee to assist the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Office.


  1. Provide advice on how to improve both the content and effectiveness of the Church’s revised Policies, Standards, and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct.
  2. Assist in reviews of the extent to which the Church’s revised Policies, Standards, and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct are implemented in practice and how compliance with them is ensured.
  3. Assist in finding and nominating qualified professionals, who would be called on to do investigations when occasions arise.
  4. Assist in developing increased and improved training for clergy, Church employees, and applicable laypersons to enable a better understanding of their duties under the revised Policies, Standards and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct, including their mandatory reporting obligations under various state laws.
  5. Assist in any other requests for advice made by the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Office.

Current membership

(as of Winter 2024)

Archpriest Alessandro Margheritino (ex officio, Acting Chancellor, Secretary), Archpriest David Mezynski, Archpriest Justin Patterson, Protodeacon Peter Danilchick, Deacon Ken Liu Mr. Robert Koory, Esq.