Annunciation of the Theotokos

Annunciation of the Theotokos

Index of liturgical music for the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (March 25)

Troparion and Kontakion

Troparion (L'vov Bakhmetev - "YY")
Troparion (L'vov Bakhmetev - "TT")
Troparion (Greek - "YY")
Troparion (Greek - "TT")
Troparion (Serbian - "YY")
Troparion (Serbian - "TT")
Troparion (Byzantine, Tone 4, Lawrence - "YY")
Troparion (Byzantine, harm. Lawrence - "YY")

Kontakion (L'vov Bakhmetev - "YY")
Kontakion (L'vov Bakhmetev - "TT")
Kontakion (Carpatho-Russian - "YY")
Kontakion (Carpatho-Russian - "TT")
Kontakion (Serbian - "YY")
Kontakion (Serbian - "TT")
Kontakion (Byzantine, Tone 8, Lawrence - "YY")
Kontakion (Byzantine, harm. Lawrence - "YY")


Stichera at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Model: "Having placed all their hope" - "YY")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Model: "Having placed all their hope" - "TT")

Doxastichon at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Great Compline

Stichera at the Litya (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at the Litya (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at the Litya (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at the Litya (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Doxastichon at the Litya (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Litya (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at the Litya (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Litya (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Stichera at the Aposticha (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at the Aposticha (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Doxastichon at the Aposticha (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Aposticha (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")


Magnification (Bortniansky - SSA - "YY")
Magnification (Bortniansky - SSA - "TT")
Magnification (Tolstiakov - SSA - "YY")
Magnification (Tolstiakov - SSA - "TT")
Magnification (V. Rev. S. Glagolev - "YY")
Magnification (Jermihov - "YY")
Magnification (Jermihov - "TT")
Magnification (Obleschuk - "YY")
Magnification (Obleschuk - "TT")
Magnification (Ruggieri - "YY")
Magnification (Ruggieri - "TT")

Prokeimenon (L'vov-Bakhmetev)
Prokeimenon (Lesser Znamenny)

Post-Gospel Stichera (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Post-Gospel Stichera (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Post-Gospel Stichera (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Post-Gospel Stichera (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Kanon Tone 4 (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Kanon Tone 4 (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

First Exaposteilarion (Bulgarian)
First Exaposteilarion (Galician)
Second Exaposteilarion (Put' Chant)

Stichera at the Praises (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at the Praises (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")
Stichera at the Praises (Model: "Joy of the heavenly hosts" - "YY")
Stichera at the Praises (Model: "Joy of the heavenly hosts" - "TT")

Doxastichon at the Praises (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Praises (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Praises (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")


              (for the Feast)
Stichera at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")
              (for the Archangel)
Stichera at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Stichera at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Stichera at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Doxastichon at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "TT")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Doxastichon at Lord, I call (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")

Doxastichon at the Aposticha (L'vov-Bakhmetev - "YY")
Doxastichon at the Aposticha (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")

Divine Liturgy

Prokeimenon Tone 4 (L'vov-Bakhmetev)
Prokeimenon Tone 4 (Znamenny)
Prokeimenon Tone 4 (Serbian)

Hymn to the Theotokos (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "YY")
Hymn to the Theotokos (Kievan, Ledkovsky - "TT")
Hymn to the Theotokos (Serbian - "YY")
Hymn to the Theotokos (Serbian - "TT")

Koinonikon (Serbian)
Koinonikon (Modern Greek, Tone 5)
Koinonikon (Modern Greek, harm. Lawrence)