

To His All Holiness, BARTHOLOMEW, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, THEODOROS, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, JOHN, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, THEOPHILUS, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine: Many Years!

To His Holiness, KIRILL, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia: Many Years!

To His Holiness, ILIA, Catholicos and Patriarch of All Georgia: Many Years!

To His Holiness, PORFIRIJE, Patriarch of Serbia: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, DANIEL, Patriarch of Romania: Many Years!

To His Holiness, DANIEL, Patriarch of Bulgaria: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, GEORGE, Archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, IERONYMOS, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, JOHN, Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, SAWA, Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, RASTISLAV, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia: Many Years!

To His Beatitude, TIKHON, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada: Many Years!

To all Orthodox Metropolitans, Archbishops, and Bishops: Many Years!

To all Orthodox Christians: Many Years!

The Chanting of the Diptychs

According to the practice of the Orthodox Church in America

After the clergy (or choir) have sung the final Kontakion, the Archdeacon or Protodeacon comes before the royal doors.

Archdeacon: “Let us pray to the Lord”
Choir: “Lord, have mercy”
Metropolitan: “For holy art Thou, O our God…now and ever…” 
Archdeacon: “O Lord, save the Pious!”
Choir: “O Lord, save the Pious!”
Archdeacon: “And hear us.”
Choir: “And hear us.”

The Archdeacon then chants the Diptychs. After each commemoration, the choir repeats the same commemoration.

After the conclusion of the Diptychs:
Archdeacon: “...and unto ages of ages!”

Choir: “Amen!” and then “Holy God…” in the usual manner at a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

It is helpful for the choir director and the first deacon to coordinate the translation to be used.