

The unchanging (ordinary) hymns of Vespers.

Come, Let Us Worship

Common Chant (SSA)
Common Chant (SAB)

Blessed Is The Man

Court Chant (SSA)
Court Chant (SAB)

Gladsome Light

Dvoretsky (SSA)
Dvoretsky (SAB)
Byzantine Chant, Tone 3 (J. Suchy-Pilalis)

Evening Prokeimenon (Friday)

Znamenny Chant

Evening Prokeimenon (Saturday)

Znamenny Chant (SSA)
Znamenny Chant (SAB)

Vouchsafe, O Lord

Soloviev (SSA - "YY")
Soloviev (SSA - "TT")
Soloviev (SAB - "YY")
Soloviev (SAB - "TT")

Saint Simeon's Prayer

L'vov Bakhmetev (SSA - "YY")
L'vov Bakhmetev (SSA - "TT")
L'vov Bakhmetev (SAB - "YY")
L'vov Bakhmetev (SAB - "TT")