Vespers with Liturgy of the Presanctified (served on Friday)
Kathisma 18.
Lord, I call on 10: all triodion (idiomelon, sung 2x + 1 to the martyrs + 3 Theotokos - those of the Theotokos being repeated to make up 7); glory and now: theotokion in triodion.
Entrance. O Gladsome Light. 2 prokeimena and 2 readings (triodion). And the rest of the Liturgy of the Presanctified.
If there will be no Liturgy of the Presanctified, the following order is observed:
Kathisma as appointed, with little litany at the conclusion.
Lord, I Call: 8 triodion, all of the Theotokos (the 3 stichera of the Theotokos being repeated to make up 8); glory and now: theotokion in triodion.
2 prokeimena and 2 readings (triodion).
Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (sung 2x - from Lord, I call) + 1 martyrs: glory and now: triodion (from matins praises: The Theotokos heard a tongue…)
Troparia: Triodion.
Litany: Have mercy on us, O God… and three prostrations, and the prayer: O All-holy Trinity; Blessed be the Name (3) and Psalm 33, and dismissal.