[At little vespers:
Lord, I Call: 4 saint; glory: saint; now: theotokion.
Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; glory: saint; now: theotokion in the same tone.
Troparia: saint: glory and now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone; and the rest of little vespers.]
Great Vespers at Vigil
(The service is all to the saint, according to the order found in the menaion. The triodion is not used except at little vespers.)
Lord, I Call: 8 saint, glory: saint; now: theotokion - the dogmatikon in the tone of the glory.
Litya: saint; glory: saint; now: theotokion.
Aposticha: all saint; glory: saint; now: resurrectional aposticha theotokion in the tone of the glory.
Troparia: saint (2x); Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos (1x)
(If vigil is not served: saint (1x); glory and now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone (1x) )
At the hours, the troparion and kontakion of the saint.
Leave-taking of the patronal feast
At vespers on the same day as the feast of the patron saint of a temple, the Leave-taking of the feast of the temple is observed under certain conditions.