Cheesefare Saturday Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord Commemoration of All the Saints who Have Shone Forth in the Ascetic Life


On Friday after the hours at the dismissal of the hours, without a break in the service, immediately after “More honorable” and the 16 bows, vespers begins with Come let us worship, and the usual psalm. The kathisma as appointed.

Lord, I Call: 3 feast + 3 fathers; glory: fathers; now: feast.

Prokeimenon and reading (triodion); then Vouchsafe, O Lord…

Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; glory: fathers; now: feast.

Troparia: fathers; glory and now: feast.

Litany: Have mercy on us, O God… 3 full prostrations, the prayer “O All-Holy Trinity,” Psalm 33 and dismissal.