Cheesefare Saturday: Commemoration of All the Saints Who have Shone Forth in the Ascetic Life With polyeleos rank feast of a saint, or the forerunner


On Cheesfare Friday at the dismissal of the hours, after “More honorable” and the bows, with no break vespers begins immediately.

Blessed is the Man, 1st antiphon.

Lord, I Call: 3 saint + 3 fathers; glory: saint; now: theotokion, the dogmatikon of the current tone.

Entrance. Prokeimenon and reading (triodion); then prokeimenon, Let Israel hope in the Lord…
Then the 3 readings of the saint. Vouchsafe. Litany: Let us complete…

Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; then refrain (stoichos) for the Forerunner: The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord… and the sticheron of the Forerunner, Tone 6: The precious head of your Baptizer, which lately lay on a platter; glory: fathers: Let us, the multitudes of monastics (Tone 8); now: aposticha resurrectional theotokion in the same tone.

(Note: if the polyleyos is not for the Forerunner, then at the aposticha after the 2 idiomela and the martyrs, we use a verse and a sticheron taken from the aposticha of the saint, or, if there are none, from the general menaion.)

Troparia: saint; glory: fathers; now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone, “The mystery hidden from eternity”

Litany: Have mercy on us… 3 full bows and the prayer “O All-holy Trinity…” Blessed be the Name (3x); Psalm 33, It is truly…; and dismissal.