On Cheesefare Friday, vespers for Saturday does not take place after the hours, but after typical psalms. We say: Loose, remit, forgive…, More honorable…, and the bows; immediately the prayer: “O All-holy Trinity…”, Psalm 33, It is truly… ; and dismissal. We leave till the hour for vespers, at which time we sing little vespers.
At little vespers: Lord, I Call: 4 saint (if available; if not, those from the general menaion); glory: saint; now: theotokion.
Prokeimenon and reading for the day (triodion); and after that, the prokeimenon: Let Israel hope in the Lord…
Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; glory: saint; now: theotokion in the same tone.
Troparia: saint: glory and now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone; litany and dismissal.]
Great Vespers at Vigil
Blessed is the Man.
Lord, I Call: 4 fathers + 4 saint, glory: fathers; now: theotokion - the dogmatikon of the current tone.
Entrance, prokeimenon of the day; readings of the saint.
Litya: stichera of the temple (or other vigil saint); glory: temple; now: theotokion. (If no litya hymns for the saint, we use those from the general menaion)
Aposticha: saint; glory: fathers; now: resurrectional aposticha theotokion in the tone of the glory.
Troparia: saint (2x); fathers (1x)
(If vigil not served: troparion of saint; glory: fathers; now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone: “The mystery hidden”)