[At little vespers: Lord, I Call: 4 feast; glory and now: feast.
Prokeimenon and reading for the day (triodion), and prokeimenon, Let Israel hope in the Lord…
Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; glory and now: feast.
Troparia: feast. Litany and dismissal]
Great Vespers at Vigil
The hymns of the feast are found in the menaion; those of the fathers are found in the triodion.
Blessed is the Man, 1st antiphon.
Lord I call: 6 feast + 4 fathers; glory: fathers; now: feast.
Entrance. Prokeimenon of the day; lessons of the feast. Litany: Let us say… Vouchsafe. Litany: Let us complete…
Litya: feast; glory and now: feast.
Aposticha: feast; glory: fathers; now: feast.
Troparia: feast(2x); fathers (1x)
If there is not an all-night vigil, we sing great vespers as follows. (Little vespers is not served.)
At great vespers everything up to the litany “Let us complete…” is the same as above. Then:
Aposticha: feast; then refrain for the fathers: Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints; and we sing the stichera of the fathers: Let us, the multitudes of monastics (Tone 8); glory: triodion (idiomelon, Tone 2): Let us purify ourselves, O brethren; now: feast.
Troparia: fathers; glory and now: feast.