On Wednesday at the hours and typical psalms, after Loose, remit… and the prostrations, the bell is rung as usual and vespers begins: Come let us worship… and the customary psalm. Great Litany.
Lord, I Call: 6 saint, glory: saint; now: theotokion - the dogmatikon in the tone of the glory.
Entrance; 2 lessons of the day. Prokeimenon of the day; the lessons of the saint. Vouchsafe, O Lord. Litany: Let us complete our evening . . . (Litya: is not served.)
Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; glory: saint; now: theotokion.
Troparia: saint (1x); glory and now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone.
Litany: Have mercy on us . . . and 3 full prostrations; then O All-holy Trinity… and Psalm 33. It is truly meet… (etc.) and dismissal.