[At little vespers:
Lord, I Call: 4 temple saint (or other vigil saint); glory: temple; now: theotokion.
Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; glory: temple; now: theotokion in the same tone.
Troparia: temple; glory and now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone; and the rest of little vespers.]
Great Vespers at Vigil (Tuesday or Thursday)
(The service is all to the temple, or other vigil saint, according to the order found in the menaion. The triodion is not used except at little vespers.)
Lord, I Call: 8 temple (or vigil saint), glory: temple; now: theotokion - the dogmatikon in the tone of the glory.
Litya: temple; glory: temple; now: theotokion.
Aposticha: all temple; glory: temple; now: resurrectional aposticha theotokion in the tone of the glory.
Troparia: temple (2x); Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos (1x)
(If vigil is not served: temple (1x); glory and now: resurrectional theotokion in the same tone (1x) )
At the end of vespers and of matins and of all the hours, 3 full prostrations are made.
On Wednesday (or Friday)
At the hours, the troparion and kontakion of the temple (or other vigil saint). At the 6th hour the troparion of the prophecy and the lesson are chanted. The Liturgy of Chrysostom is done at its proper time.
Vespers is sung at its proper time according to the order for the next day.
Note: If the saint is of the temple, the hymns for the saint are sung at vespers on the same day, as a kind of leavetaking, as prescribed below, but if the saint is a vigil rank saint who is not the patron of the temple, this is not done; we instead follow the normal order for vespers of Cheesefare Thursday or Saturday, as the case may be.
Lord, I Call: 3 temple + 3 saint (for Thursday or Saturday), as appointed; glory: temple; now: theotokion.
Prokeimenon and reading for the day.
Aposticha: triodion: idiomelon (2x) and martyrs; glory: temple; now: theotokion.
Troparia: temple; glory and now: theotokion.
Learn more here.]