(i.e. Sunday eve, Mon eve., through Thursday eve.) Ordinary day (not a Forefeast or Afterfeast) with 1 lesser saint
Lord, I Call: 6 stichera: 3 octoechos + 3 saint; glory: saint (if there is one prescribed); now: theotokion from the octoechos in the tone of the glory, for the day (found in the back of the menaion); but on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the stavrotheotokion given in the menaion for the day. If there is no glory sticheron for the saint, we sing: glory and now: the theotokion (or, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the stavrotheotokion) given in the menaion.
There is no entrance. Prokeimenon of the day. Evening prayer. Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer…
Aposticha: octoechos; glory: saint (if there is one prescribed); now: theotokion from the octoechos in the tone of the glory, for the day (found in the back of the menaion); but on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the stavrotheotokion given in the menaion for the day. If there is no glory, we sing: glory and now: the theotokion (or, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, stavrotheotokion) given in the octoechos.
Troparia: saint; glory and now: dismissal theotokion for the day from the octoechos, in the tone of the troparion of the saint.
Litany and dismissal.