(i.e. Sunday eve, Mon eve., through Thursday eve.) Forefeast or Afterfeast with 2 lesser saints
Lord, I Call: 3 first saint + 3 second saint; glory: saint (if there is one); now: forefeast or feast.
There is no entrance. Prokeimenon of the day. Evening prayer. Litany: Let us complete our evening prayer…
(But it should be noted that daily vespers served on the same day as a feast of the Lord has certain features of great vespers, namely: entrance, great prokeimenon, and at once the augmented litany (“Let us say . . .”) and the litany at the end is omitted.
Aposticha: Forefeast or feast with their verses; glory, saint (if there is one); now: forefeast or feast.
Troparia: 1st saint; glory: 2nd saint; now: forefeast or feast.