Forefeast or Afterfeast, with saint of the temple, or a saint of vigil rank
Lord, I Call: 3 feast + 5 saint; glory: saint; now: resurrectional theotokion - dogmatikon of the tone of the week.
Litya: 1st sticheron from the litya of the temple, and those of the saint; glory: saint; now: forefeast or feast. (Note: if the saint is the patron of the temple, the saint’s litya stichera are sung; glory: saint; now: etc.)
Aposticha: saint; glory: saint; now: forefeast or feast.
Troparia: saint (2x); Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos (1x).
(If vigil is not served: saint (1x); glory and now: forefeast or feast (1x) )