Resurrection and Forefeast or Afterfeast, with 1 or 2 lesser saints, or a saint having 6 stichera or great doxology rank
Lord, I Call: 4 resurrection + 3 forefeast or feast + 3 saint; glory: saint (if there is one; otherwise, glory: forefeast or feast) ; now: theotokion - dogmatikon in the tone of the week. (If the saint is of 6-stichera rank, we sing: 3 resurrection + 3 forefeast or feast + 4 saint, etc.; if there are two saints, 3 resurrection + 3 forefeast or feast + 2 first saint + 2 second saint, etc.)
Litya: forefeast or feast stichera, from the vespers aposticha; glory and now: forefeast or feast (from the matins aposticha)
Aposticha: resurrection; glory: saint; now: forefeast or feast. (If there is no glory for the saint, then: glory and now: forefeast or feast.)
Troparia: Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos (2x); forefeast or feast (1x) (If vigil is not served: resurrection; glory: saint; now: forefeast or feast. If the saint does not have a troparion, then we sing the troparion of the resurrection: glory and now: forefeast or feast. If there are two saints, each having a troparion, the second is not sung.)