Great Vespers at a Vigil
Lord, I Call: 4 resurrection + 3 triodion + 3 forefeast or feast; glory: triodion; now: theotokion - the dogmatikon of the tone of the week.
Entrance, prokeimenon of the day. (No lessons). Litany: Let us say… etc. Vouchsafe. Let us complete our evening…
Litya: forefeast or feast (from vespers aposticha for the day) + triodion (from the matins praises: O faithful, let us hate the boastful words of the Pharisee… and: O Lord, you have condemned the Pharisee who justified himself…) ; glory: triodion (from the litya); now: forefeast or feast (from the matins aposticha for the day)
Aposticha: resurrection, with their verses; glory: triodion; now: forefeast or feast.
Troparia: Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos (2x); forefeast or feast (1x) (If vigil is not served: resurrection; glory and now: forefeast or feast.)
Note: the service for a lesser saint occurring on this date according to the normal order, is sung when the rector wishes.
The above order also applies if the Sunday of the Prodigal Son coincides with the Forefeast or Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord. At litya, the order would be: forefeast or feast (from vespers aposticha for the day) + triodion (from the matins praises: I come before You, O Lord, with the cry…; Like the Prodigal I have wasted…; and O good Father, I have departed…) ; glory: triodion (from the litya); now: forefeast or feast (from the matins aposticha for the day).